Physical Therapy Online Telehealth

Call 804-647-9499 for free discussion to determine whether a telehealth visit (live video conference) is right for you, or whether a face-to-face consultation is more appropriate.

There maybe times when a face-to-face assessment of your musculoskeletal problem isn’t convenient, or you just want a second opinion or to talk to a Physical Therapist. Telehealth Physical Therapy can be a convenient option.

Over 80% of diagnoses are made after obtaining a good history of your symptoms

"Always listen to the patient, they might be telling you the diagnosis”

attributed to William Olser MD

This means you can describe your symptoms, answer questions, and we will know the best course of action for you afterward.

The benefits of Physical Therapy telehealth service with Damien can provide opportunities:

  • To get questions answered quickly regarding your painful musculoskeletal problems.
  • To show and tell as opposed to just tell via phone or email.
  • A valuable option for a face-to-face Physical Therapy visit, spending less time travelling and waiting in a clinic.
  • For a lower-cost follow-up visit after an initial face-to-face home-based visit.
  • For you to share a selfie video record of yourself performing painful activities, and forward the video to me so that I can perform a careful in-depth analysis of the movements and suggest to you verbal cues to correct faulty painful movements.
  • To obtain Second Opinions regarding Physical Therapy services that you are already receiving.
  • For a critical review/analysis of answers that you have received from Physical Therapy Chatbot Artificial Intelligence.
  • For easy access to an Orthopedic Board-Certified Physical Therapist.

Limitations of Damien Howell Physical Therapy Telehealth Service include:

  • Statutory barriers across state lines you need to be in Virginia or Georgia. If you are not in Virginia or Geogia and are in one of the states participating in the PT Compact let me know, so I can apply for Physical Therapy licensure where you are.
  • The Physical Therapy telehealth service cannot be reimbursed by health insurance. The cost is $100.00/hour and is invoiced through
  • Because I have slightly less than a decade of experience providing telehealth Physical Therapy service as opposed to the decades of experience providing face-to-face Physical Therapy services, I am not as efficient. Therefore, it may require a few more visits to achieve similar positive outcomes compared to face-to-face Physical Therapy service.

How I provide physical Therapy services via telehealth

  • You have an internet-enabled device (computer, smartphone, or tablet) that has a microphone, speaker, & camera, and a strong internet connection. If using a cellphone, make sure to have an area to prop the phone up to keep yourself in the video frame.
  • Choose a room/space where you have enough space to move around if needed, and where extraneous noise is avoided.
  • Avoid having the camera facing window or a light source
  • Wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in. Preferably closing with contrasting color top to bottom. It is helpful to be able to visualize your waist line, the knees, and bare feet.  I will ask you to describe your symptoms, answer questions regarding how the symptoms (pain) affect your function/activities
  • Video recordings of the consultation are available.
  • After the initial Zoom meeting an after-visit summary is available describing the potential diagnosis, working hypothesis (explanation of cause of problem or rationale for intervention), goals/prognosis, and treatment outline. You don’t leave the telehealth consultation empty-handed.
  • Assist you in setting up follow-up visits with specialists near you when appropriate.

Call 804-647-9499 for free discussion to determine whether a telehealth visit (live video conference) is right for you, or whether a face-to-face consultation is more appropriate.


Patient Testimonial

I turned to Damien Howell after unsuccessful attempts at improving my leg injuries and pain with several in-person physical therapists. Damien's deeper knowledge, attention to detail, and excellent instructions were the best by far. It is easy and convenient to conduct the sessions online, just using my laptop, as well as some photos and videos I take on my phone based on his instructions. His written follow-ups as well as videos and other materials that he sends after each visit are extremely informative. I highly recommend him.

Erika Archibald, Georgia


I saw Damien for an internet video conference Physical Therapy visit after I had an in person PT visit.  I was familiar with my home exercise program and was able to ask Damien how I should progress forward in my exercises and when I should (or shouldn’t) begin other activities.  Damien and I then developed a plan as to how I should progress my activity for the next week.  I liked the fact that it was easy to schedule an appointment at a convenient time and I was able to have all of my questions answered quickly.  The internet video conference was also very easy to set up.  

Jen Baker, Virginia