Expectations Treatment Outcomes

The expectations of a patient, patient satisfaction regarding treatment and treatment outcomes are related in a very complex manner. Whether you have an over use injury as a result of recreation sports, a traumatic injury, or chronic musculoskeletal disease process like rheumatoid arthritis awareness of the interaction of your expectations, satisfaction with treatment provided, and…

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Right person – Choosing a healthcare provider to address chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes

When dealing with musculoskeletal pain syndrome the ageless advice is the best solution is to see the right person, for the right care. For chronic and/or recurring musculoskeletal pain syndromes the choice of the healthcare provider assumes more importance. As it is likely to be a long-lasting relationship. You can choose from several different types…

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What is harder than learning? Unlearning

This image from Roger von Oech’s “A whack on the side of the head” 1983 has intrigued me for years. The idea that we get rid of ideas or concepts is thought-provoking. How do we know when to reject ideas? What is the thought process we use to unlearn something? My understanding of learning new…

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How to better engage with healthcare provider using telehealth care

Telemedicine electronic medical record patient portals and email provide opportunities for improved communication between patients and healthcare professionals. As a patient: As a patient with a chronic condition rheumatoid arthritis, I have found using an email patient portal to communicate with my healthcare providers is highly effective and efficient. Prior to my scheduled appointment, I…

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Choices of interventions for musculoskeletal pain syndromes: decrease pain, improve impairment, resolve dysfunction

There are multiple and varied interventions that can tackle the contributing factors of pain, impairment, and dysfunction that occurs with musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Pain impairs an individual’s ability to function Impairment is loss of use or derangement of any body part, organ system, or organ function. Dysfunction is an alteration of an individual’s capacity to…

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Surgery vs non-surgical intervention -Decision for musculoskeletal pain syndrome

When deciding whether to proceed with irreversible intervention such as elective or discretionary orthopedic surgery it is essential to consider the biases of the surgeon, non-surgical healthcare provider, and the patient. For many orthopedic injuries especially nontraumatic or less acute musculoskeletal pain syndromes surgery can be an intervention option. For many if not most musculoskeletal…

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How 2D video motion analysis facilitates problem solving, reflective learning, & identification of novel interventions

The referral of this gentleman in the video below was for an exercise program for chronic right knee pain. The patient and the referring Physician Assistant expressed expectations that an exercise program would help decrease his pain so he could return to playing recreational basketball. There is ongoing controversy about whether high-intensity quadriceps strengthening exercises…

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Telehealth PT Benefits – Statutory Barriers Across State Lines

With the weakening of the covid 19 pandemic, I expect the utilization of Physical Therapy services by telehealth will decline. However, the necessity of learning to provide and receive Physical Therapy services via telehealth uncovered benefits of this service model including: Eliminating time spent traveling to and from appointments and time spent waiting for care…

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Catch 22 – Underutilization of 2D Slow-Motion Video Analysis

Why is there low utilization of 2D slow motion video analysis of movement by Physical Therapists? There are many advantages for using 2D slow-motion video analysis for management of movement disorders including increased accuracy of diagnosing movement impairments; improved communication with patients and healthcare team; increased engagement of the patient; and improved understanding of movement…

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