Foot & Ankle
Sensory preference & learning optimal movement
There are many cognitive strategies to cue, prompt, and provide feedback to improve movement. Theory of focus of attention The dominant theory proposed by Gabriele Wulf and colleagues is providing…
Read MoreOptimizing human movement requires clarity of description of movement
To know where you are going you must first know where you are. To optimize human movement, analysis of human movement is required. To identify optimal human movement clear qualitative…
Read MoreAdding observation of deceleration forces to diagnosis & treatment of movement system impairment syndromes & musculoskeletal pain syndromes
Shirley Sahrmann and colleagues share an elegant clinical reasoning process model to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal pain syndromes and movement system problems. The movement system is physiological organ systems…
Read MoreGait deviations clustering gait deviations – injury – new data
In a previous blog article, I discussed the question “Is there a gait deviation or cluster of gait deviations which is common across musculoskeletal pain syndromes?” The consensus is currently…
Read MorePuny Calf Muscles Syndrome
It is time to replace the common belief that stretching exercises should occur before exercise or sporting activity with a newer concept that strengthening exercises for the calf muscles should occur before exercise or sporting activities. During warm up for exercise & sporting activity make a conscious effort to walk with spring in your step. Reactivating & reversing puny calf muscles can prevent injury, increase athletic performance, forestall old person shuffle, & look better.
Read MoreClinical Predictive Rules for Management of Plantar Heel Pain
Medical professionals rely on clinical practice guidelines to have better outcomes, lower utilization of care, and lower costs. These guidelines have limited value since they often fail to keep up…
Read MorePotential Prevention Strategy for Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps
Exercise associated muscle cramp (EAMC) is a painful, spasmodic, and involuntary contraction of muscle that occurs during or immediately after exercise. The exact mechanism or cause of EAMC still remains…
Read MoreGait Deviations Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes: Is there a gait deviation or cluster of gait deviations which is common across musculoskeletal pain syndromes?
Gait deviations are considered risk factors and/or causative drivers for musculoskeletal pain syndromes. There is a growing body of research showing a relationship between gait deviations and musculoskeletal pain syndromes…
Read MoreLow-Tech Slow-Motion Analysis – “Dance Step to Nowhere
NDeviant movement during walking contributes to the development of or compensation for musculoskeletal pain syndromes. Diagnosis and treatment occur with visual observation and analysis of gait. The use of a…
Read MoreSymptom modification of painful gait
Symptom modification procedure is common practice in the Physical Therapy profession. This procedure involves identifying the specific movement, posture, and/or activity that reproduces the patient’s symptoms. Historically diagnosis of musculoskeletal…
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