What is the alternative to I have fallen, & I can’t get up? – improve strengthen flexibility “just do it”
A patient with Parkinson’s syndrome, living alone expressed to me his frustration. He had fallen and was unable to get back up. He pissed on himself. He used his fall…
Read MorePain – What does it feel like? How this information can guide intervention
When describing your pain details can include location, type, severity/intensity, frequency, duration, triggers, and impact on life. When describing the location of the pain it may not be accurate. Pain…
Read MoreOrthopedic surgery is not always necessary – coper vs non-coper
A diagnostic image such as an MRI can show significant structural damage such as a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a complete tear of the rotator cuff…
Read MoreMovement-evoked pain measurement for adjustment of interventions for chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes
If chronic musculoskeletal pain syndrome is like diabetes, then what is a self-administered test to adjust interventions? A thought-provoking article by Jermey Lewis and Peter O’Sullivan suggests “Is it time…
Read MoreHormone replacement therapy tendon repair post-menopause
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which individuals with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. It is when we lack competence that we are most…
Read MoreMom’s words of wisdom make sense
Mother’s Day is a fun time to review some old wives’ tales that abound in the health and wellness arena. My mom used to say, “the difference between a man…
Read MoreWhat is harder than learning? Unlearning
This image from Roger von Oech’s “A whack on the side of the head” 1983 has intrigued me for years. The idea that we get rid of ideas or concepts…
Read MoreHow to better engage with healthcare provider using telehealth care
Telemedicine electronic medical record patient portals and email provide opportunities for improved communication between patients and healthcare professionals. As a patient: As a patient with a chronic condition rheumatoid arthritis,…
Read MoreOn-line mentoring reflective learning
John Dewy wrote, “the experience alone does not necessarily lead to learning; it is the reflection that makes sense of the experience to us and hence makes the experience meaningful…
Read MoreWhat do you do when Dr. Google isn’t cutting it?
Searching for information online for personal health and medical issues has become commonplace. Estimates are more than 1/3 of persons in the U.S. use the internet for information on their…
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