Puny Calf Muscles Syndrome

It is time to replace the common belief that stretching exercises should occur before exercise or sporting activity with a newer concept that strengthening exercises for the calf muscles should occur before exercise or sporting activities. During warm up for exercise & sporting activity make a conscious effort to walk with spring in your step. Reactivating & reversing puny calf muscles can prevent injury, increase athletic performance, forestall old person shuffle, & look better.

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That’s a Stretch: Why Stretching May Not Always be the Solution

It’s good to stretch a dollar. It’s bad to stretch the truth. But what about stretching your calves? That might depend on whether you believe Dr. Google every time a search result says to stretch sore calves. Calf stretching aims to increase the range of motion (ROM) for ankle dorsiflexion. “Dorsi” is a prefix meaning…

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Keeping the Spring in Your Step: Ankle Joint Power & Aging

http://bit.ly/DAMIEN25 As we amass more birthdays and get older we tend to walk/run slower, take shorter steps, and fewer per minute. Why do we seem to have less spring in our step the older we get? Kids move fast and crash elderly move slow and crash. One factor is kids have good ankle power elderly…

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