Posts Tagged ‘Self-Treatment’
Everybody has got their guy
Paul Ingraham writes a blog Paul is a health science journalist and a former massage therapist. In a recent blog entitled “Every little thing a nice physical therapist does is magic”,…
Read MoreGait Retraining – Key Concepts
Gait retraining has become popular among avid runners and Physical Therapists. The proponents of gait retraining advocate if you improve the walking/running form you can walk/run faster, farther, and injury…
Read MoreSooner is Not Always Better than Later – Healing Recovery from Injury
Sooner is not always better than later when recovering from an injury. Biological tissues adapts to physical stress in a predictable way. There is a threshold where physical stress results…
Read MoreSelfish Athlete Syndrome
Irish Runner and double Olympic medial winner Noel Carroll said “Runners may make better lovers but sometimes (there’re) lousy spouses”. Exercising for health is different from training for a…
Read MoreMuscles and Stretching
What is known about benefits of stretching and flexibility exercises continues to evolve. Some commonly held beliefs are being supported with new research and some beliefs are being proven false.…
Read MoreOsteoarthritis – Cartilage and Exercise
Osteoarthritis is primarily a degeneration, or wear and tear, of the hyaline cartilage that covers the end of the joint surfaces. Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of “the parents…
Read MoreHamstring, Buttock, Back, Neck Pain and the Car Seat
I frequently hear from my patients that their hamstring started hurting after they ran a marathon or that their back pain developed after they went body surfing at the beach.…
Read MoreRecovering from lower leg, ankle, heel injury using treadmill
A basic concept for treating any repetitive use injury is rest and avoiding the activity; whether it is a running injury or elbow pain from opening too many beer bottles.…
Read MoreWithstanding the Test of Time
Hearing a song on the radio that was released when I was a teenager often reminds me of a specific bygone year. For instance, … For some popular songs it…
Read MoreShock – Injury – Cadence – Quiet
How hard a walker or runner impacts the ground can be described with several biomechanical terms, including vertical impact loading rate, braking impulse force, and shock. Scientists have determined it…
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