Stiffness – Resistance to Change: Good or Bad?

In the realm of health and fitness, the term stiffness often has a bad connotation. In reality, being stiff can have positive benefits.   When something is stiff, it is difficult to change. When the range of motion of a joint is limited, it is also described as stiff. There is an optimal range of motion…

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Osteoarthritis – Cartilage and Exercise

  Osteoarthritis is primarily a degeneration, or wear and tear, of the hyaline cartilage that covers the end of the joint surfaces. Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of “the parents you choose” (genetic influence) or as a sequel to a prior joint trauma or injury. There is a great deal of information dealing with the…

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Attributes/Values When Dealing with Chronic Medical Conditions

If, I have seen farther than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants Isaac Newton, 1676. I believe I have seen more, understood more, because I have figuratively been lifted on or climbed on the shoulders of mentors and role models. I have had opportunity to be exposed some remarkable Giants, role…

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