Orthopedic Surgery vs Orthopedic Medicine: Considerations Regarding Elective Surgery

There is a difference between someone who practices orthopedic surgery and someone who practices orthopedic medicine. Orthopedic surgeons are interested in surgical treatment of musculoskeletal problems. Orthopedic medicine practitioners are interested in non-surgical treatment of musculoskeletal problems. Dr. James Cyriax, author of “Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine,” emphasized this difference. While some orthopedic problems improve with…

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Joint Sounds and Noise

Sounds often are used to assist a healthcare professional in making a diagnosis. The characteristic sounds and noise coming from the heart or lungs provide clues to determine whether something is wrong. Listening to the sounds of the stomach and bowels is an important clinical tool in diagnosing bowel obstructions. Sounds and noise coming from…

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