Posts Tagged ‘Osteoarthritis’
Surgery vs non-surgical intervention -Decision for musculoskeletal pain syndrome
When deciding whether to proceed with irreversible intervention such as elective or discretionary orthopedic surgery it is essential to consider the biases of the surgeon, non-surgical healthcare provider, and the patient. For many orthopedic injuries especially nontraumatic or less acute musculoskeletal pain syndromes surgery can be an intervention option. For many if not most musculoskeletal…
Read MoreHow 2D video motion analysis facilitates problem solving, reflective learning, & identification of novel interventions
The referral of this gentleman in the video below was for an exercise program for chronic right knee pain. The patient and the referring Physician Assistant expressed expectations that an exercise program would help decrease his pain so he could return to playing recreational basketball. There is ongoing controversy about whether high-intensity quadriceps strengthening exercises…
Read MoreButt pain – Isometric Exercises
“Butt Pain.” has different tissue diagnoses. Possible diagnoses are sciatica; piriformis syndrome; gluteal tendinopathy; hamstring tendinopathy; bursitis; hip arthritis; and others. There are many treatments for butt pain. My “go-to” exercise for butt pain is isometric contractions of the gluteal muscles. In my experience rarely is trying to “stretch it out” effective treatment for butt…
Read MoreOsteoarthritis – Bad News More Than Good News
Osteoarthritis occurs in a joint when there is more degeneration of the joint cartilage than regeneration of the joint cartilage. Cartilage is a soft tissue on the ends of bones. Cartilage provides a smooth surface to allow free movement of joint, provides a cushioning, and for joint stability. Cartilage tissue is poorly designed for repair…
Read MoreOsteoarthritis – Cartilage and Exercise
Osteoarthritis is primarily a degeneration, or wear and tear, of the hyaline cartilage that covers the end of the joint surfaces. Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of “the parents you choose” (genetic influence) or as a sequel to a prior joint trauma or injury. There is a great deal of information dealing with the…
Read MoreAttributes/Values When Dealing with Chronic Medical Conditions
If, I have seen farther than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants Isaac Newton, 1676. I believe I have seen more, understood more, because I have figuratively been lifted on or climbed on the shoulders of mentors and role models. I have had opportunity to be exposed some remarkable Giants, role…
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